Saturday, October 4, 2014


Now that I'm finally back in Los Angeles and settled in my new place, I can reflect on the best things I did in the last few months I had back in Chicago, which was considered my last summer vacation.

I had the amazing opportunity to drive across the country with my older sister, Lexi, at the end of June. We made our way through Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, and finally stopped in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. The west coast was even more beautiful than I could have imagined.
The drive was long but well worth the memories. After being home and relaxing for a few weeks, I was able to get together with my friend Amber to do my SUGAR BABES post, which was a blast. Mid-July I crossed something off my bucket list... I got to feed giraffes! They're my favorite animal, so when my sister mentioned that it was an event at the Milwaukee Zoo to my boyfriend and I, we made sure to find time to go. The whole day was an absolute blast, but the giraffes were the cherry on top. 

I'm in love.
The first week of August was Lollapalooza and my sister and I had tickets to the first two days. It was a weekend filled with good friends, good food, and great music. We agreed that our favorite act of the weekend was CHVRCHES, as it was a super fun show and their singer is like, the cutest girl in the world. We also managed to see artists like The Glitch Mob, Eminem, Zedd, Martin Garrix, The Head and the Heart, and Outkast!
Chicago public transportation is amazing. Get your shit together, LA.
Zedd blowing me away, as usual. 
Basically my other half. Friends from home keep me sane.
Fast forward to the end of September and one of my best friends, Lee (velvetcloouds) came to Chicago from LA for a week! We spent a day in downtown Chicago exploring Millennium Park. I've made a mini post with all the pictures here   > #thebean

The last week went by too fast. Not enough time for all my goodbyes, and no amount of time could make me ready for my big move. Because my boyfriend is seriously the best (no, seriously), he found a farm where you can feed giraffes! So we got to do that twice this summer. I'm the luckiest girl...
best. day. ever.
A few days later, I flew out to LAX to move into my new place in Studio City. It's been a stressful week, but I'm finally settled in and I feel right at home. I have so many things planned for myself that I'm excited to share with you guys. This fall is already off to a great start, I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.



Coming to LA on your own is tough. It's huge, terribly confusing at times, and heavily populated with people who only seem to give a shit about their own schedule. I was lucky enough to come out here with FIDM as my way of meeting people, as I'm not sure how else I would have found the amazing group of friends I have now. One of those friends is Lee, who also runs a blog that you can check out here.  We were fortunate enough to have her come out to visit me and our friend Tina for a week in September. Having one of my school friends in Chicago was awesome because it gave me a reason to bring out my new clothes. Thanks to Labor Day sales, I was able to finally get my hands on a pair of Y.R.U Qozmos and going downtown for a day was the perfect excuse to wear them. 
shameless bean selfie
We couldn't have asked for better weather. Clear skies and cool fall wind kept us comfortable while we walked from the bean to Lou Malnati's Pizza a mile away. And to answer your question, yes, the shoes were comfortable the whole day! It was awesome to have Lee in town, but I'm so glad to be back in LA. We have so much planned together that we're super excited to get started on and share with you guys. Back to palm trees, Melrose Avenue, and the eccentric style of LA.
